The product sold

Clear thing: craftmanship at it´s best.
That is demanded here.
But also here applies, only who understands around what it concerns can set the product into the correct, optimal perspective. Then there is a soft light that accentuates colour, form and light and that’s it.
Or not – we offer the complete workflow of the so called postprocessing:

POST 😉 sounds chic: that’s what our POST does. English emphasizes please, otherwise it is nothing.
We call it image editing. But in highest quality.
This includes release, correction of small defects that prototypes usually still have, color corrections, sharpening, preparing the data for the respective purpose. CMYK in the respective, optimal colour space for printing, cutting for the web and social media.
This is what our image editing does. Also for pictures which do not originate from our pen.

You can find a cross-section of our entire photography for industry here:

Macrophotography and micro photography

Those who, like us, are also strongly represented in the jewellery and watch sector, have the necessary equipment to be able to reproduce such requirements precisely and sharply.
In addition to specially calculated lenses, the so-called micro and macro lens techniques in hardware and software come into play, which originate from microscopy photography.
Stacker rails with servo drive on stepper motor basis and the corresponding software to be able to calculate the high number of single images in an overall image.

The result: crisp, high-resolution industrial images of the smallest objects that are otherwise impossible. With precisely defined blur for focusing on the decisive feature.
With the decisive advantage over microscope photography:
The perspectives are freely selectable and it is possible to set the light far beyond the typical ring light.

You can find a cross-section of our entire photography for industry here:

A can is a can …

You might think so, but it’s not like that.
With fresh ideas, props if needed or a cool composing:
the box becomes the right drive of the ISS ;-), the plug contact moves in the room.
It stands out from the product illustration of the market companion. It remains in memory because it is special. Even if its special feature only becomes apparent in detail, in the entire production chain.

Can usually best be implemented photographically in the photo studio. But if it’s too big and too heavy, we’ll come to you. The equipment is ready, wandering light so to speak.

You can find a cross-section of our entire photography for industry here:

Portraits of the employees give your company a face

First and foremost, we do not consider the “correct” tool to be part of this.  Here the megamillion heavy pixel bolides are not decisive.  Here empathy, technical and human understanding decide for the work. The rest is self-evident.
And if there is the perfect tool at the start … then such results come out.

You can find a cross-section of our entire photography for industry here:

First and foremost, we do not consider the “correct” tool to be part of this.  Here the megamillion heavy pixel bolides are not decisive.  Here empathy, technical and human understanding decide for the work. The rest is self-evident.
And if there is the perfect tool at the start … then such results come out.

You can find a cross-section of our entire photography for industry here:

website, image brochure …

We’d love to come and see you. There is no other way.
Meaningful reports about your company. Presentation of your strengths.
Be it the logistics, the work preparation, the production, the execution on site.
We see details that nobody sees. Because we always deal with what you do. Incoming.

Whether you are deep drawing, punching, plastering, manufacturing the smallest dental products or smoothing our paths with your rollers. We’ll come and take a closer look at what you do and what distinguishes your performance.
Make non-binding suggestions and then implement them precisely and purposefully with you.
Of course, even if you do not contradict yourself in the above list. Our customers come from all areas, not only those that are clearly industry related. Hoetelrie also relies on us. The fact that customers in industry and trade predominate is probably due to the lack of technical expertise of our bosses. Wherever an engine goes, an engine has to go. At least over 8 axles ;-).

You can find a cross-section of our entire photography for industry here:

Video killed the radio star  …

Who is war´s ? 😉
Honestly, here we are also not 100% saddle-fast. But with the topic video already.
We are quite honest: Video costs.
But: Video gives the field service explanation means to the hand which convince simply. The customer sees at a glance how he can get his production going.
If it doesn’t get blurred and blurred, he likes to look at it. While you can sit next to it in silence.

That doesn’t have to go online either, you don’t need to inspire your competitors. We are preparing this for Ipad and Android. Get on the tray and let’s go. Or mobile phone. We make everything possible.
Starting from 4K with Tilt Shift to place blur already at the video shoot where really nobody should look. With slider for dynamic camera movements and a lot of video light.
Why are there no such videos to be seen here?
We take the interests of our industrial customers very, very seriously. And these videos are too good. That should not wander overseas what has flowed in there in brain lard. That remains in the house, that is shown only in the personal discussion. Unless we get the explicit approval for an industry video.

You can find a cross-section of our entire photography for industry here:

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