ADVERTISING PHOTOGRAPHY – pictures which sell

ECHT EPPELT – photo studio for advertising photography

This is advertising photography for trading and manufacturers at the highest photographic level.
This is photography for pictures which sell.

This is a photo studio in which we work with passion for your success.
We take photos for national and international clients from trade and industry as well as for leading manufacturers of watches and jewelry.
Echt Eppelt photographs for sales folders, advertising campaigns, business reports, catalogues und web shops.

Large as well as small companies build on our experience in advertising photography.
You as our customer can lean back and relax, we do the job. That’s what we promise.

We offer photo concepts, advertsing photography and retouch from a single source and support you in matters of graphic and printing.

Our studio is located in the South of Germany, between Karlsruhe and Pforzheim. We are connected to all logistic companies. The photos of your products are available online as soon as they are ready.

Please convince yourself of our expertice on our homepage and send us your request. We are looking forward to meet you.

Christian Eppelt GF Echt Eppelt Visuelle Kommunikation GmbH

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