The photostudio

For us at the hub of the world.
In the Black Forest.
In Straubenhardt.
Exactly in D-75334 Straubenhardt, district Conweiler.
Because we belong exactly there, because here we find and have everything we need for our work: UPS, DHL, FEDEX, Internet, Skype, excellent facilities, dear, helpful people.
And: peace and quiet. Peace and quiet, to develop ideas for you, which have it in themselves.
Because here we can concentrate on your task and Stuttgart, Karlsruhe, Strasbourg and the jewellery stronghold of Pforzheim can be reached quickly.

We have all the resources a professional photo designer and photographer needs. We don’t do everything, but what we do, we do right.
With heart and soul.
That’s why this “province” is the navel of the world for us.

You will find the portfolios, the short but concise cross-sections of our fields of activity, in the links below. From these pages you can also easily reach the editorial pages of the respective areas. There you will find detailed descriptions of our working methods. The links are below the pictures.

Echt Eppelt Fotostudio

Who is EPPELT?

Very close: Christian Eppelt, born 1965 in Ulm an der Donau, technical school for photo design, assistant and photographer in the studio for advertising and catalogue photography Sihler ( here he learned how to photograph properly by hand ), studio manager in Offenburg and Pforzheim, Fuji Shooting Star #92, self-employed since 1994, because his future employer ( after Offenburg ) went bankrupt. BEFORE he started there !!!!. A small important detail.
Married and living in Straubenhardt – Conweiler, a town in the triangle between Karlsruhe and Pforzheim.

Who is ECHT?

Also very briefly: In german ECHT means real, genuine. The ECHT, Mr. Baum from Volksbank Pforzheim discovered it. It is not a natural person, not a business partner, it is a part of a human being: the boss.
Because the founding of the own studio had to be done in shortest time, he adopted a logo that his cousin had designed as part of her graphic design studies. Replaced the initials of her first name with his own and the logo came on the business plan. And Mr. Baum read it as
ECHT EPPELT, raised his thumb (it hasn’t only existed since Facebook) and signed the funding application.

So WHO is the WHY. ECHT EPELT stands for identification with what he does, stands for independence from what comes out.
It stands for commitment and is what today is described as a mission statement.

Imagefotografie für die Website - Gummiwerke

retouch, pre-press

Don’t puts a photographer on his website. Because he doesn’t have it, or doesn’t give it the necessary importance.
We live in the internet, 24 inch screens in the office are standard, we zoom on tablet and smartphone. For this you need your own image processing, but this studio, which is certainly not one of the largest in the area, has 3 jobs at EBV.
So that the perfect polish of your products and colour-accurate results are no random products. So that cut-outs do not look like hedge trimmers, composings are perfect and print-ready results are possible.
And as a service for your feet: we deliver ready. You don’t need a repro, you don’t have to worry about delivery to your advertising or web agency. We take care of it.

POST is sometimes also called this department. We prefer to stick to the German descriptions:
Image processing, pre-press, retouching. In the highest quality.
Performed by people who have learned this from scratch and are always up to date in their profession.
To our services:
Exemption, correction of small defects, colour corrections, sharpening, preparing the data for the respective purpose: CMYK in the respective, optimal colour space for printing, cutting for the web and social media. Composings from single shots, stacking for the most extreme macro shots, integration into layouts and print templates.
This is what our image editing does. By the way, this also applies to images that do not originate from us.

Engelrufer Schmuck für Advertising

Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, …

You should dance at all weddings. Says our intern, says the trade press, actually everyone says it. Also we.
But it’s not easy, there are limited menpower, there are other appointments and contacts that want to be cultivated. And the focus is on working for you.
That’s why we’re neglecting Facebook for us at the moment, Snapchat is not our target group, but Instagram, Instagram that we love, photographers just …. .
Instagram from the studio, Instagram from the boss and the studio dog Scooby will surely launch his own account soon 😉

Because we know how important it has become to be present on as many platforms as possible and because “somehow” doesn’t help, we have developed social media packages for our customers. From the photo to the maintenance of the complete account, we take care that the young world carries them to the wide world. That’s why our account suffers, but that’s not bad.
We work on a basis of trust, we are honest, we are cost-oriented. But we don’t give away our performance either and therefore we can live off it. That’s why you can still call us in 15 years. Many existing customer relationships have lasted that long with us. Actually – that’s not true at all, we have customers who have relied on us since 1994.

AIGNER Ladies watch - photo for social media

The best camera

Hangs between the two handles called ears, the second best camera is the one you have with you. Brand, shutter speed, weight, lowlightcapability (had to be looked up 😉 ).
All the same.
But it can be the best.
If a photographer doesn’t photograph for himself, he stops. Makes his craft neat, but never optimal in the long run. And he only offers craftsmanship.
Our free works, which are created on holiday, after work or during lunch break, are expression, passion and experiment. Sometimes everything in one, then it is succeeded, or only experiment.  Then it is one more experience 😉 .

We do not have regional customers for some of our products. And despite the internet the ways are sometimes still far away, so we concentrate on what we can do perfectly and the boss dreams of the picture of a freshly grilled entrecôte of Uruguayan Angus beef in the back light of the sunset, garnished with onion butter turned into red wine and coarse sea salt.
But he would include you in his night prayer if you threatened with such an order. He would also photograph vegan 😉


Our special field is besides jewellery photography watch photography and industrial photography. In order to do particular justice to the topic watch photography, we have a special page for it: chronography . Chronography presents as a website our watch photography and our watch videos.

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